Historical Fiction Series

Historical Fiction Books by Linda K. Hubalek

Butter in the Well Series My first historical fiction book series is based on the Swedish immigrant family that homesteaded our family farm in central Kansas. They are written in the form of diaries during the time period of 1869-1919, showing how strong pioneer women were while homesteading the Kansas prairie. View series >>

Trail of Thread Series This autographed historical fiction book series is about my mother’s ancestors. The John and Deborah Pieratt family traveled from Kentucky, and the Margaret Ralston Kennedy family from Ohio, to homestead beside each other in Kansas. Their children, from the North and the South, marry during the Civil War. Twelve quilt patterns are featured in each book of this series. These books are each written by a different pioneer woman in letter form, covering the years 1854 to 1865 series. Time period: 1854-1865. View series >>

Planting Dreams Series Based on my father’s Swedish ancestors, I follow the Samuel and Charlotta Johnson family from Sweden to the Kansas prairie. The historical fiction series continues to the end of my great-great grandmother’s life. Her thoughtful writing covers the time period of 1868-1919. View series >>

Tying the Knot: The Kansas Quilter is about my great grandmother Kizzie Pieratt, who married into the Pieratt-Kennedy families featured in my Trail of Thread book series. View the book>>